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Staining Log Ends

How I Stain The Log Ends:

  • Use Titan Airless high pressure sprayer
  • Inject stain DEEP into the cracks and ends
  • Leave it for 5 minutes and brush out.
  • Repeat this sometimes up to 6 coats until the log ends do not absorb new stain

How Much Stain Do Apply On A Log Home?

I use approx. 30 gallons of stain per 1000 sq. ft of log home. If you only brush the stain on you are not getting enough stain into the logs.  Brushing looks thirsty to me so its not even close to what you can do with a HVLP (high volume low pressure) sprayer.  These unit is made for wood finishing.  I soak and soak the logs until they can take no more. I always brush out any excess stain that drips.  My log work is "drip free" (no sagging or runs). In the end the logs look even and fantastic.  They are preserved to best they can be and look fantastic.


Log End Staining
Log Home Finishing