Why We Never Spray Kitchen Cabinets On-Site
Advantages of Off-Site Spray Painting
Controlled Environment
Dust-Free Setting: Doors and drawers are sprayed in a dedicated, dust-free painting shop, ensuring a smooth and professional finish.
Multiple coats can be applied evenly, resulting in a consistent, high-quality appearance.
Drying and Curing
Optimal Conditions: Freshly painted pieces are placed on drying racks in a vented environment, allowing for proper drying and curing to achieve a satin-smooth finish.
Enhanced Durability
Off-site spray painting ensures that each coat is applied uniformly, creating a durable finish that is resistant to wear and tear.
Time Efficiency
Spraying doors and drawers off-site allows for multiple pieces to be painted simultaneously, speeding up the overall project timeline.
Healthier for Homeowners
By performing spray painting off-site, it minimizes exposure to fumes and chemicals in the home, ensuring a healthier environment for homeowners and their families.