Spray Painting New Doors

Are you building a new home and have a lot of doors to be painted?

Check out PAINTING Guy's interior door painting system.

Spray Painting New Doors

They set up and spray both sides of a door using a rotating spray system. They are able to rack 32 doors in small spaces where they hang to dry until ready to install.

This drying system prevents doors from warping while drying because they are balanced , not leaning up against anything.  Door warping is more common today because of the thin "paper-like" material used to build panel doors today.

Once sprayed, they hang in racks to dry smooth and dust free.

They look and FEEL like high end cabinetry.

Factory Smooth Door Painting.

Freshly sprayed doors drying in rack

Spraying Doors

Spray Painting New Door in rack

Newly painted doors now ready to be hung

Stacking new doors

Professional Interior Door Finishing