Real Estate Tips

Home Improvement Tips

Projects That Boost Your Home's Value

  • Remodel the kitchen. Updates to the kitchen pay off $. ... Consider painting dark and dated cabinets with a fresh coat of paint. Kitchen cabinet painting will significantly increase the appear and value of your home, ...
  • Upgrade the appliances. ...
  • Update bathrooms and vanities. ...
  • Remodel the attic or basement. ...
  • Paint decks . ...

Real Estate Agents Suggest Kitchen Cabinet Painting

​Real Estate Agents - maximize the sale price and suggest painting that's kitchen!

Realtors! If a home has dark-dated cabinets that isn’t selling consider suggesting kitchen cabinet painting as an affordable and fast way for your clients to update their kitchen to maximize the sale price.
When old and dated kitchen cabinets are painted neutral colours they will instantly update a kitchen. We've painted hundreds of kitchens and there has never been one client that didn't say WOW!