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- Sanding
Changing cabinet handles and pulls
When updating kitchen cabinet handles and pulls there are often impressions (dents) left from the old handles
If the diameter of the new handle or pull is smaller than the new ones, you may see old marks from the old handles.
How to remove cabinet crud and grime the easy way!
Some people use degreasers and work work work and they really never do remove the crud.
We do it the easy way. Some humour in this as well.
Check this out!
Sanding Between Coats
Even though cabinets feel smooth after priming, they should still be lightly sanded between coats. Sanding or scuffing between coats will improve bonding.
Degreasers - Can you paint kitchen cabinets without sanding?
When it comes to kitchen cabinet painting - degreasers can be misleading and very problematic 🤔
- The majority of degreasers are a general purpose cleaning products (not a substitute sanding);
- Wet panels soaked with water and degreasers cause wood to expand;
- Always sand kitchen cabinets before painting them.
Sanding Kitchen Cabinets
Sanding is the very best way to make kitchen cabinets look new again!

Sanding Primer Coat
This video briefly shows how we lightly sand the primer coat prior to finish coating.
Sanding primer coat - kitchen cabinet painting
Sanding oak panels
How to sand kitchen cabinets so they look like new again.
Removing marks and indentations
Removing the old Pulls (handle) impressions from the old pulls in the wood.
Cleaning and degreasing cabinets before painting
All cabinet have grease on them and it must be removed before painting
When a surface is clean and sanded properly, primer bonds and penetrates deeper. When primer bonds and penetrates deeper, this improves the look, durability and feel of refinished cabinets. This is how we paint kitchen cabinets to look new again.
Preparing cabinets for painting
How to prepare kitchen cabinets for spray painting.