
Good painting starts with good preparation. Preparing a surface for painting is where most of our time is spent. Its also so we don't end up stopping in the middle of a wall come finish coat where the paint needs to "keep going" to achieve the even coat look!

Achieving an excellent looking finish is all about speed and paint flow. Regardless of what type of painting you are doing, interior house paint (especially low VOC) dries faster today. Bad paint jobs happen when the painter plays with the paint too long.

Today's paints dry fast.

Acrylic paint dries FAST!  Benjamin Aura as an example, is an excellent product that looks deep with colour, but,  you also need to be in good physical shape to paint with that paint.  I always say, I get paid to exercise! Being in shape is one reason why my paint jobs look awesome and why I choose to use Benjamin Aura paint.  Top end paints have Low VOC and that come at a price of being smarter in better physical shape as the next guy.

Keeping a wet edge is key.  The days of  seeing a guy pausing to light up a smoke between a wall is over. You don't stop to take a break until you are finished to the end of a wall.


Pro results start with the home's first new paint job.

It's a win-win if a painter follows behind previous painters who took the time to clean and prepared the house for future paint jobs. It doesn't cost more money to hire a painter who takes the time to prepare a new home. But it costs more money to paint a poorly painted house after.

Proper prepping saves time and money. 

When a house has good paint lines for a paintbrush to flow along, you usually don't need to tape. Tapping is something professional painters try to avoid because taping always leaves an edge that looks ugly, especially around trim.

Once you see the difference and what to look for, why does one house looks so much better than another? A taped home always looks cheap compared to one that was professionally painted by a painter who makes grooves for a brush to flow along.  Once a house has been grooved, every paint job thereafter will follow that example. Good paint lines look amazing.

If a house is prepared well, paint flows along smoother and faster. The best looking paint jobs are when paint isn't over worked.


You don't want to keep "playing" with paint. Get it on and leave it, You apply the coat  so it is thick enough to fill the surface but not so thick that is sags or runs. 

Timing and speed is everything:

If you have any question or need free advice,  don't hesitate to contact me. :)

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