Timber Pro Coatings

Crystal Urethane

Crystal Urethane is a waterborne acrylic urethane finish. We have done a lot of log homes over 16 years and this product (Timber Pro Coatings) is by far superior to others. 

Flood Coating

This is how we apply stain, primer or paint to wood. We use a combination of airless and HVLP  sprayers. The idea is to  soak, saturate the wood with stain, paint or clear coat until the product is full. We do this in 3 stages around the log building

Log Stain Failure

7 months later. The log ends have that dirty dry look, the log stain wasn't applied properly. The weather is taking it's toll on this log building now.

bad log stain and finishing
An example of BAD log stain, prep and application

Why did the stain fail?