Kitchen Cabinet Painting

High-quality kitchen cabinet painting services to transform your kitchen with a fresh, modern look. Our professional painters ensure a durable and flawless finish, enhancing the beauty and value of your home

Real Estate Agents Suggest Kitchen Cabinet Painting

Submitted by Chris on

Real Estate Agents - maximize the sale price and suggest painting that kitchen!

Enhance Your Listing's Appeal

Realtors! If a home has dark, dated cabinets that aren't helping it sell, consider suggesting kitchen cabinet painting as an affordable and fast way for your clients to update their kitchen and maximize the sale price. When old and dated kitchen cabinets are painted in neutral colours, they instantly refresh the look of the kitchen. We've painted hundreds of kitchens, and our clients always say WOW!

Drying Racks

Submitted by Chris on

Drying racks are essential for stacking freshly painted cabinet panels, doors and drawers

Drying racks play a crucial role in the painting process. They provide an organized and efficient way to stack freshly painted cabinet panels, doors, and drawers, ensuring they dry properly without getting damaged.