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Caulking Cabinet Doors for Painting

Caulking Cabinet Doors for Painting: A Guide by PAINTING Guys

Proper preparation is essential for achieving a professional-looking paint job on your cabinet doors. Caulking is one of the steps that can make a significant difference in the final appearance by creating smooth, seamless surfaces and preventing gaps and cracks from showing through the paint. Here’s a detailed guide on how to caulk cabinet doors before painting.

Preparation for Painting


Good painting starts with good preparation. Properly preparing a surface for painting is crucial and where most of the time is spent. This prevents stopping in the middle of a wall during the finish coat, ensuring an even coat look.

Achieving an Excellent Finish

Achieving a great finish is all about speed and paint flow. Regardless of the type of painting, modern interior house paints, especially low VOC paints, dry faster today. Bad paint jobs happen when the painter plays with the paint too long.